Yesterday Cheah Yen sent out an mms commentating the checkers competition they had during cell yesterday. Reading it was really is afterall Cheah Yen we're talking about =P kekekekeke -- Cheah Yen, it's a compliment =D
Anyway, I just wanted to write that we've had a share of each other. Learning and growing in the Lord together last semester. I've certainly gained alot! It's good that we're spilt into different cell groups this semester to spread our knowledge, joy, talent and passion for God with other people...and of course, continue to learn from other people as well. We may not be spending as much time together as last semester but we WILL keep in touch, YES??? **fierce look** hehehe.
Look! Cottlesloe...our beloved (former) cell leader in action =P
didn't we all have fun....? ^^
Anyway, God bless...will c ya'll soon!
thanks Yan Hua for keeping this thing ALIVE.. hehe.. problem ^^
oh yea...the picture right, it's not cottlesloe but fremantle. don't know y i typed cottlesloe =S
haha..yea la i was thinking that also..
"eh i got go cottesloe before meh??"
kim, even though i dont post things i do read this blog often.. =)
Wee ,my name appear ler...!!!!
still wee...!!!!
*slap forehead*
cheah yen, u never fail to "amaze" me...
*shakes head*
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